Thursday, May 23, 2019

Jacobs room

                                                  This is Jacobs room at St. Albans Sanatorium, It was suggested that we add some pics to accompany the Ball moving Video that was captured in this room. This is all I have to upload.
The story is that Jacob was assaulted and killed, Brutally, in this room by another patient who lived across the hall. The silhouette on the floor, I do not know why that is there, and people bring him gifts and offerings, hence the toys and change.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Evidence compilation from off tthe wagon dueling piano bar

Paranormal Investigation Interview | Off The Wagon Dueling Piano Bar Ash...

                                                                                                                                                                              Video Content thanks to the creepgeeks podcast Like and follow them on Youtube and at, Much thanks to our newest members. The above is the "before" interview, These are the owners of the establishment relating a few of their experiences.

We were invited into off the wagon dueling piano bar after Ben the owner, and  amateur investigator himself,  caught the back door of the building opening by itself, long after the bar had closed and all had left. He had also captured a very good EVP. They have had many reports of disembodied voices, shadow figures, people being touched, and odd noises.

During this interview I personally saw a vaporous mist type apparition move along the beams in the ceiling. During the reveal I saw with complete clarity for just a few moments, the solid apparition of a hatman standing directly behind Greg of the creep geeks podcast while he was filming. It was honestly the most solid apparition I have seen to date. During  the investigation we had many personal experiences, including some very odd K2 hits that we can only speculate at. These readings were seemingly coming from a wall of the bathroom, however no electricity runs through this particular wall. In this bathroom, specifically the women's bathroom, voices have been heard and toilets have been known to flush by themselves. We were lucky enough to catch some great EVP evidence as well, I will add all these pieces of evidence here as well as our Facebook Page.

We are working with Ben and off the wagon To begin to take groups in and do some hands on investigating here. Asheville is laden with paranormal activity and off the wagon is no exception!