Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Possible pet spirit??

         We received this clip from someone who simply wanted to share. The camera that it was taken on is motion activated, meaning the possible orb actually set the camera off. This was taken 2 days before they had to put their dog down, he was sick and sleeping under the bottom right-hand corner.  it was a month after they lost another dog, the two had grown old together.
         Could this be the spirit of the recently past dog coming to escort, or comfort the other? I think it is as much a possibility as anything. Many don't believe that animal spirits are real, I personally have been visited by many a past pet. Your pets are the truest and most honest form of love, and that will without doubt remain and cross over with them. Animals have a cleaner, brighter, healthier soul than we ever will, and that will undoubtedly show in the afterlife. We do not deserve our pets.
         We would like to thank the person for sharing, we love when people share stories, pictures, and videos with us and encourage it! I am sharing this with permission, we will never share or even talk about without having express permission to do so.

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